The Shift: What is shifting?


This was originally written and published in 2012.  We’ve been talking about “the shift” for twelve years now. Twelve years. This is nothing new. It’s just taken this long to get here… to wake everyone up.


So, this thought suddenly came to me one day….

Whether or not something global is or was about to happen, it doesn’t even matter anymore.

Not if you believe in the Law of Attraction.

What if all of this was a farce? All this talk of debate about the end of days vs. human evolution; all this belief in the gathering of data validating a mystical prophecy. We have been fed it constantly and consistently for years now so who cares anymore what, if any of it is true or not? We, as a critical mass, may have very well been creating what all the passionately influential authors and fear mongering media have been focused on and passing on to us all on our own. All by our little selves.

A self-fulfilling prophecy in its grandest scale.

And here we are.



There’s an old saying, “Out with the old; in with the new.”

It is applied in many areas of life, from philosophical use to business name. When thinking of the events that seem to be happening in collusion with this universal shift, this mantra can explain what is psychologically happening to just about everyone, each at their own rate and intensity, using their own personal means. The pace all depends on the individual’s decision to either accept or resist what is going on with them.

The old and the new I am referring to here are our core beliefs, priorities and values. Many things we believe to be true about ourselves and our world, we are all having to question these days.

Have you wrapped your head around it yet? We’ve been living our lives, all these years, based on a set of illusions!

In my own personal experience, from what I’m hearing from many people crossing my path in the last 15 years and from the research I often start my days off with, there are definitely patterns rising above and showing their determined faces to the world. These patterns reflect a list of some beliefs that are being shifted within each one of us.

Common and presently occurring shifts of what we believe:
· FROM believing other people’s needs are #1 TO our needs are just as important
· FROM believing we are responsible for other people’s feelings, thoughts and reactions TO believing each person’s thoughts, feelings and reactions are their own choices based on their own beliefs and past experiences
· FROM believing boundaries are selfish TO believing they are healthy and are our rights as a human being
· FROM believing it’s unproductive to do nothing TO finding the value and importance in introspection and reflection
· FROM believing in one concrete set of beliefs about each situation in life TO opening up to a world of possibilities
· FROM believing a limited set of beliefs about what it means to be an adult TO incorporating more creativity, spontaneity and child’s play in our lives
· FROM believing life is a long series of random events TO understanding there is pre-set plan for each of us, all connected, with the goal for each of us to learn a personally pre-set chain of life lessons for this lifetime, as well as a very meaningful purpose for this lifetime — and we have the free will to either follow this plan or not
· FROM feeling there is a hierarchy of value and importance in people TO everyone is equal
· FROM believing success is determined by how much money we make and how many possessions we have TO how we treat ourselves, others and how much balanced love we have in our lives

What does this all mean???

It means…

….it’s time to go back to where you left yourself.

Lightworker 101 - 1

· How is a belief system developed?
· When you are born: human rights
· Facing the God and Goddess
· False Beliefs: Those unspoken rules to grow up by
· The Shift: From false beliefs to human rights: It’s never too late to have a happy childhood

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